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April 17th UPDATE

Governor Walz signed legislation on Wednesday that provides for an avenue for commercial vehicle drivers to obtain their CDL license after passing a CDL road test but not requiring them to appear in person.  Here is the text of the legislation:

Subd. 3b. 

Commercial drivers' licenses. 

(a) The commissioner of public safety may
exercise the authority under this subdivision for restricted commercial drivers' licenses
under Minnesota Statutes, section 171.02, subdivision 4, and otherwise, only if the
commissioner has established procedures for on-the-road examinations during the peacetime
public health emergency period, in a manner that (1) ensures personal protective measures
for applicants and examiners, and (2) complies with guidance and recommendations related
to the infectious disease known as COVID-19 provided from the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health.

(b) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, chapter 171, and Minnesota Rules, part
7410.1810, during the peacetime public health emergency period, the commissioner may
issue a new commercial driver's license to a qualifying applicant, except that:

(1) in lieu of a photograph taken in person, the commissioner may use the most recently
available photograph of the applicant on record with the department;

(2) a test of the applicant's eyesight under Minnesota Statutes, section 171.13, subdivision
1, paragraph (a), clause (1), is not required at the time of application; and

(3) subject to paragraph (c), the expiration date of the license is the last day of the second
consecutive month following the month in which the peacetime public health emergency
period terminates.

(c) After the peacetime public health emergency period, the expiration date of a license
issued under this subdivision is adjusted to the date that would otherwise apply for a license
issued absent this subdivision, if the license holder:

(1) arranges for an in-person photograph; and

(2) passes a test of the person's eyesight.

(d) No fee or surcharge under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 171, is imposed for the license
other than the amounts that would otherwise apply for a license issued absent this subdivision.

(e) The requirements under subdivision 2, paragraphs (d) and (e), apply for a license
issued under this subdivision.


This section is effective the day following final enactment.


I have reached out to the supervisor at Driver and Vehicle Services asking when this service will be available.  I was told they were working out the details as quickly as possible and would let me know when the doors will be open. 

Governor Walz also relaxed the bans on outdoor activities today and that at least gives Minnesotans the ability to go outside and blow some of the stink off from being inside for a month. 

As previously mentioned, we are continuing classes that start every week.  Students need to pre-register and then attend class via the internet with Zoom.  Practical training follows the classroom training while following CDC guidelines. 

Please call our main campus at 651-735-9250 for more information.